Thursday, December 25, 2014

Have the Best Survival Blog to Help You Prepare

Survival Gear Blog

Are you thinking about going on a trip? If so, well, you want to make sure that you will be free from the perils that may await you. Whenever you are outside, you become at risk to some of those dangers outside. With this, it is important to become always ready for any unexpected event with an educational survival blog. You are unsure of the things that may occur while you are outside your home, so what you need to get valuable information with regards to survival with the aid of an online survival blog.

The best survival blog will provide you with extremely valuable information to get through the dangerous situations while you are in the wilderness. Survival blogs can help you understand those dangers that could possibly happen in the future. This is essential for you to formulate a reliable survival plan to have solutions to those potential dangers that await you. Being prepared is really important in every situation and preparedness means knowing what situations you are preparing for. You need to obtain knowledge from the most dependable survival blog. This is of great importance because it unveils all the things that can happen in the future for you to effectively prepare towards a life that is free from danger.

All people want to continue to exist even in this dangerous time and the only thing to obtain it is to become fully prepared and understand the secrets to manage every difficult situation placed before you. If you are looking for the best source of the reputable survival blogs, Survival Life is the only survival blog provider you need to consider. It is dedicated to offering a wide variety of useful information and tactics in the fields of preparedness and survival. You do not have to look any further because Survival Life will bring the most useful information you require.

Moreover, this has useful and latest survival news to help you know the newest updates in the survival industry. You can also get valuable details regarding those various staff and survival expertise you need to enhance.

You know that you can do various things when unexpected situations occur. However, if you have some doubts about it, Survival Life is here to assist you. This will deliver you to the realm of survival and preparedness which is important for you to survive in this hazardous times, most importantly when you are not within your safe ground which is your home.

Monday, November 24, 2014

The Basic Survival Skills That Every Individual Should be Knowledgeable Of

Survival gear blog

No matter what the crisis is, survival skills are very important as these can save your life. If you are a type of person who loves outdoor activities, learning some outdoor survival skills will not just offer you an edge, but also this can give you lots of benefits most particularly if you have goals you want to achieve during your trip. Here are the following basic survival skills that every individual should be knowledgeable off:

Creating Fire

Making a fire is one of things that you should learn. It is a survival skill that can provide you many benefits. According to a survival blog, fire is the king of all survival techniques. That is why you should not miss to learn how to create fire most particularly if you always go for an adventure. Fire has many uses. This can allow you to cook food, purify water, provide warmth, signal rescuers, keep predators away, and many more. Survival gear can let you experience ease when creating fire.


Making a shelter of your own can let you protect your body from excess exposure from the rain, snow, cold, and sun. There are several things that may add or take away your body temperature. But, whatever it is, you have to take note that it’s your enemy. Thus, see to it that you have packed the right and important clothing in your bug out bag. A big out bag is designed for emergency situations. Making shelter can be challenging for some, but it is not that difficult if the nature gives one for you.Creating shelter may be tough. But, you will experience a breeze especially if the nature gives you one.

Survival skillsSignaling

When it comes to survival skills, shelter is considered as one of the most important. This is a unique technique, which gives you the ability and means to alert any and some potential rescuers that you’re in need of assistance. When signaling, there are several survival gears you can consider. These gears can be flashlight and flags.

Water and Food

If you like to survive in any place or in wilderness, you should forget about water and food. When you are out for an adventure and you don’t have a lot of water, try to drink only during evening. You have to keep in mind that anyone can live 3 days without consuming water. However, this may depend on one’s overall health condition.

When learning survival skills, the most important thing that you should always keep in your mind is to not panic on whatever situation you have there. The reason behind it is that this might just ruin your plans and may not enable you to focus for the right way to solve the problem. Therefore, rather than panicking, learn how to practice those survival skills mentioned above because they can help you.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Obtain the Greatest Survival Play for You to Get Ready

Survival Gear

When you are planning to go to an outdoor trip, you want to ensure that you are safe from all the dangers that may happen outside. When out in the wilds, you allow yourself to become susceptible to various threats outside, so it is recommended to just be prepared with the assistance of an informative survival blog. You are unsure of the things that may occur while you are outside your home, so what you need to get valuable information with regards to survival with the aid of an online survival blog.

The top survival blog can really of excellent help. This is important if you want to conquer those hazardous conditions that may approach you. You will also become more knowledgeable about those common threats that you will face, so you can make an effective survival plan to help you deal with those threats. Being prepared is really important in every situation and preparedness means knowing what situations you are preparing for. The most reliable and best survival blog will reveal all possible things you might encounter, so you can prepare ahead of time in order to maintain a healthy and safe living.

To survive in this perilous time is what everyone wants, and you can only achieve it when you are prepared, and you know how to deal with every dangerous situation presented before you. If you are searching for the most reliable provider of great survival blogs, Survival Life is the best one you should take into consideration. It is enthusiastic about providing education information that you need. This is also essential if you are searching for survival and preparedness methods. You don’t really need to search all over the internet anymore. Survival Life is here to help you get the right information for you.

Apart from that, this site contains valuable and up-to-date survival news to help you keep updated of the newest reports in the world of survival. You can also obtain useful information about different items and survival skills that you need to improve.

There are many things that you can possibly do when disaster strikes but if you are not certain about such things, Survival Life is here to help you in every step of the way. This will bring you to the world of preparedness and survival, so you can overcome the perils in life, especially when you are out of your safe zone - your home.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What It Signifies To Live A Life Off The Grid

Survival Blog
Survival Blog
Survival Blog

Living “off the grid” is a process of life that is becoming well-known in the past. This is the reason why most people want to everything about this. Majority of the people are worn-out of profligate houses and city lifestyle. They also tired of the luring and outlay of the life of glut. Most individuals just want to have a simple life. They are also bushed of the beliefs of having everything. Other people may prefer to live off the grid because they are environmentally conscious and want to leave a smaller carbon footprint on the world. The independence and self-reliance of this way of life is a striking advantage too. Some people who prefer to subsist in any isolated area that access to the electrical grid is simply not feasible. It means that they can live there anytime they want.

Simply put, being off the grid refers to living a life that is not hooked into the nationwide network of electricity and other public utilities. For a couple of hardy souls, it may denote to subsisting a life with no electricity. However, it is not an ordinary scenario. People who are subsisting in the off the grid generally have their own self-regulating sources. These sources are essential for providing their own electricity. One of the most popular ways to generate your own electricity and control it is through the use of solar power, which is the power of the sun. The most extensively used way of getting solar power is through the use of photovoltaic solar panels, which are usually put on the roofs of residential areas, or in an area that acquires a great sun rays.

Survival Gear

Survival Gear
Survival Gear
The panels collect the light energy which is converted to electricity and stored in batteries within the house, until it needs to be used. So even during the night, or on days when it is cloudy, there is still electricity available to power the house. Most people who have solar power remain attached to the grid just because their surplus power cab be sold to the neighboring electric agency. Then, instead of getting a monthly bill, they get a monthly check. Therefore, they are using this not only as the main supply of electricity. They are also using this to generate enough cash.

Bug Out Bag

Subsisting off the grid may also denote that you home is not linked to local water. It means that you need to find an effective way to create and supply your own drinking water. Hollowing out a well is the usual option. But, it is always achievable. Sometimes wells do not produce enough water to take care of all of the household’s water needs so learning to use water wisely and recycling water is often a part of the off the grid life. Homeowners can supplement their water supply by collecting rainwater, such as the run off of the roof or recycling “gray water” for uses that don’t require pristine water, such as watering gardens or flushing toilets. Composting toilets that use no water are also an option.

To those who are new to the off the grid lifestyle, it may seem like a life of sacrifice. But to those who are living a life off the grid and reaping the benefits of it, it is indeed a life of so much more.